Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Essential Oils That Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

Did you know that some essential oils have the ability to identify improperly written DNA, while others can destroy that DNA, and still others re-program the DNA correctly? Some oils can actually do all three themselves. Being able to do just one, two or all three is quite astounding, isn't it? Besides these incredible properties they can also pass through the blood-brain barrier because even those essential oils with the largest molecules still have molecules that are many times smaller than necessary to pass through that barrier.

Do you see why I believe some of the best things God has given mankind are essential oils? When the wise men brought baby Jesus the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh they were, in essence, providing Jesus' parents with a pharmacy. Frankincense is immuno-stimulating and antitumoral while myrrh is antiviral, antiparasitic, an analgesic and also antitumoral. These oils could protect baby Jesus from the plagues and illnesses of that day and then, when they were gone - Mary and Joseph could purchase more with the gold. If you ask me, these are pretty great baby gifts for any time in history!

Are there oils that can help reduce the risk of breast cancer and many other cancers? That answer is not black and white because, as I have said in other articles, everyone is unique and acts and reacts differently. However, generally speaking there are essential oils that help keep immune systems strong and others that suppress tumors - so, the answer is, in many cases, "yes"!

I believe most of you are aware that everyone has cancer cells within their bodies. The problem doesn't lie in that fact. It is when those cells are allowed to multiply because a person's immune system has been compromised, weakened and therefore functioning poorly that tumors form.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of pure water and exercising on a regular basis, the following oils can strengthen immunity and repair DNA in the cells.

Cistus (Cistus ladanifer) enhances immunity and immune cell regeneration.

Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary to amplify immunity.

Oregano (Origanum compactum) is one of the most powerful antimicrobial essential oils. It helps fight off viruses, bacteria, fungal infections, and parasites allowing our bodies to concentrate on staying healthy.

Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) amplifies immunity and DNA repair in addition to being antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) is one of the most powerful antioxidants of all essential oils and prevents cellular DNA damage. It is very important in cancer prevention to protect against cell oxidation. Additionally, it is antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antifungal.

There are many more essential oils that have these same qualities, but this gives you an idea of some of the most powerful. These oils are packed with a huge wallop in every drop so you don't need to use them in large quantities. They last well in hot climates as long as they are not exposed to light and you keep them bottled tightly to keep them from evaporating.

Anyone who has received a cancer diagnosis might want to consider adding Frankincense or myrrh to their traditional treatment since they contain antitumoral properties. Frankincense is somewhat easier to work with because it is has less resin than myrrh. Of course, one should always check with their doctor first before adding any essential oils or starting any alternative treatment. This is because the oils could react negatively with other treatments and/or medications or they could nullify the benefits of traditional medicine.

To provide the greatest protection one should use only the highest grade essential oils available. For me that means Young Living oils. They have a great track record and have pretty much set the standard for all other essential oils. As with any high quality product, these small bottles of oils are not cheap. But, remember - they do go a long way. Young Living has combined many of the oils that stimulate the immune system into a blended oil called ImmuPower. You can check it, and the company, out at http://www.youngliving.com.

My prayer is that some day we will wipe out cancer; but until that day, essential oils offer great protection against cancer and can offer help and hope for those who have been diagnosed with the disease.

Much of the information on the list of oils came from "Essential Oils Desk Reference, fifth edition". It is compiled and published by Life Science Publishing. You can purchase the book online through several vendors, including Amazon.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

10 Most Important Facts About Chemotherapy That Your Oncologist May Not Tell You

The Internet is full of articles about chemotherapy. That said, there are still some facts that you may not know about chemotherapy. Here is a small attempt to share with you some real facts and experiences about chemotherapy:

1. Depending on the stage of the cancer, chemotherapy is administered in stages. If a patient is detected with cancer, he or she may be advised to go in for sessions of specific durations. In the case of my aunt, she was advised 8 sessions of chemotherapy with a gap of 21 days between each session. Before every session, a blood test is done to make a note of any changes in the count of white blood cells. The blood test is also useful in taking a note of the effect of chemotherapy on the liver or any other parts of the body.

2. For every session, a different blood vein is used for administering injections.

3. After a chemotherapy session, the blood vein used for administering injections becomes damaged and becomes harder. They also become black and can be seen from outside.

4. Once used, a blood vein is not useful for the next session as it becomes harder.

5. If surgery of your left side breast is done with the removal of lymph nodes then the left hand cannot be used for giving chemotherapy or for taking blood test. This is another drawback. This is due to the removal of lymph nodes, and in some cases may cause the swelling of hand.

6. Due care has to be taken while giving chemotherapy to the patient. For example, the patient must not move from the bed, as the needle may move inside and there are chances of the drug to start flowing outside the vein under the skin. This damages the skin and makes it swollen.

7. A patient experiences weakness after every chemotherapy session for a period of 4-5 days. Typically, the 3rd and the 4th day are the days when the patient experiences more weakness.

8. If the right hand is administered a chemotherapy injection, you would experience pain on that hand.

9. Typically, hair loss is seen between the 2nd and 3rd session. Before hair loss, the scalp becomes very sensitive and pains when you sleep on a pillow. The best option is to cut or trim your hair before chemotherapy.

10. Hair is typically lost in a cluster. The hair becomes sticky and gets detached from the scalp before falling.

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